Nollywood Actress, Rukky Sanda Shares Real Facebook Page - Photos

The Nollywood Actress, shared this on her IG page about rumors heard about her impersonation by fraudsters or scammers on facebook. She shared it with a screenshot of her facebook profile. Read what she said below;

"Good morning guys, sure u all had a great night. This is my official Facebook page but due to all this drama going on with people getting duped and scammed of their hard earned money and other things, I have decided to deactivate my Facebook account permanently cos I hardly go to Facebook neither do I use it. I don't even have Facebook apps on my phones, so I think itz best to say Goodbye to Facebook cos itz a lot of drama. I will work on creating a Facebook fan page instead which will be 100% safer. So henceforth word on the street should be "Rukky Sanda Is Not On Facebook" 😊😊😊 I am not on BBM either for now and when I finally get back on itz going to be the same 40contacts I've had over the yrs that are extremely close family members and very very few carefully selected friends. Pls if u av never met me in person or even if u av and I did not give u my number or pin* trust me u are communicating with frauds. Ppl who know me know I don't av idle time & I hardly engage in businesses with ppl, I stay on my own lane. #noTime... I won't go into details even tho I generally expect ppl to apply simple basic "common sense" to things they do. I don't buy nothing from ppl, if I want anything I go to d store or send sm1. I think tz pretty ignorant for anyone to say u sending ur products and property and money to an individual because they are stars. D other one said I'm giving out 200 cars because I look like Oprah abi*? Why wud sm1 giving out 200cars & blah blah then ask u to send 100k and u send it cos u want d car? I don't even know who & what sounds more stupid, if it's d person asking or d person paying."

I believe people can now be sure that the actress is no more on Facebook and BBM. Also read, How Nigerian Veteran Actress, Toyin Aimakhu Share A Screenshot Of Her FB Account

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