I Will Prefer A Big Booty - Yetunde Bakare

   Yoruba actress, Yetunde Bakare, has grown to become a household name in the lips of her teaming fans as she needs no recognition having struggled her way through to the top in the buzzing entertainment industry.

The actress while recalling part of the challenges she faced as an actress, disclosed that her skin colour almost ruined her career as she was not getting movie roles like the fair skin actresses.

She explained to Punch that she had once nurse the thought due to the pressure she got in the industry but later hoped for better days ahead since she’s got the talent.

According to the actress on ever wanting to be a fair skin lady, “Yes, I once thought of it and it was due to the pressure in the industry. Nobody will recognise you if you’re not light-skinned and flashy. Getting jobs will be a bit difficult because, according to the audience watching movies, most of them prefer fair ladies but it didn’t bother me because I’m good at what I do. Being fair without talents is a total waste.”

Naturally endowed, the actress pointed that if given the opportunity to boost any part of her body it will be her backside just to have that curvy Jamaican shape.

“I have moderate boobs already so I’ll prefer a big booty and more hips just like a Jamaican’s curvy shape. I don’t like anything in excess because it will affect my shape,” she stated.

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