See What Man Did To Wife In The Presence Of Children - See Photo

A middle aged Kenyan man identified as Christopher Bodo pictured above allegedly battered his wife after suspecting her of infidelity. According to Diana Okello, a Kenyan women rights activist who shared the photos on her Facebook wall, after attacking his wife, Bodo stripped her naked and raped her in front of their four children and househelp. The case has been reported at a Kenyan police station but he has not been arrested.

Imagine what the man did to his wife in front of their four children, what kind of example are they really laying and moreso, that man isn't supposed to lay hands on a woman be it one's wife or another woman. What men are supposed to do is to just try and calm self when women provokes, that's how they are going to live a peaceful life with wife and children.

May God help us all.

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