RuleS Of Rapid Fat Loss

Dolapoo's Blog

 Eat This Not That 2 days ago Eat This, Not That!

Working toward a healthy, trim body is a lot like building a house. It doesn't matter how graceful the archways are if it's all built on a rotten foundation.

There's a lot of detailed information out there about exactly what you should do to get a slim body and a rock-hard stomach. But none of those eating hacks matter if the bedrock of your diet is actually quicksand.

Here are the 5 unshakeable rules to follow to get healthy and lose fat fast. Once you have these down, you can fine-tune your diet and workout plan to dial up your weight loss even further. But these are your foundation. The rest is just details.

1. Burn More Calories Than You Eat
Weight loss is simple: if you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll drop pounds. Sure, where your calories come from matters, but at the most basic level, even if you're eating too much healthy food, you still won't lose weight. Too many people underestimate how much they eat and overestimate how many calories they burn. Avoid the guesswork and keep a food journal for a week. Count up exactly how many calories you’re averaging. You may be surprised.

Now start eating 250 fewer calories per day. You'll be surprised how easy this is to do when you measure portion sizes. Any junk or processed food you’re eating should be the first to go. If you can, try burning 250 additional calories each day. Combined, these two changes will stoke your fat-burning fire.

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